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mag 2022Q2 cover 360


BCI 60th Anniversary Convention in Taiwan

BCI Excellence Reward 


Felab 2021 Bonsai Photo Competition




Inside 2022 Q2




4 BCI 60 Years Anniversary Convention in Taiwan
Hosted by Helen and IC Su

5 Su’s Garden

Su’s Bonsai Collection

10 Su’s Suiseki Collection

13 Su’s Pot Collection

20 Su’s Imperial Diet Collection

36 Top-Class European Pines: Czech National Exhibition
By Herbert Obermayer, Germany

66 FELAB 2021 Bonsai Photo Competition: Latin America promotes international relations
By Enrique Castaño, Mexico




30 The Pine That Teaches
By Antonio Pizzato, Italy

44 Three Enemies of Bonsai Art: A Philosophical Discussion and Some Advice
By Enrique Castaño, Mexico

46 BCI Excellence Award: Making the New Medal
By Frank Mihalic, USA

61 From the highest mountains to the highest exhibition awards
By Václav Novák, Czechia





25 The Juniper Pioneer of Java
By Budi Sulistyo, Indonesia

52 A Lucky Juniper and a Lifetime of Bonsai: Lee Chang-Gil
By Won Hoe Sik, Korea

FEATURED ON THE COVER: Juniperus chinensis, 82 cm. This species can be planted in any condition whether it be cold, hot, dry or wet. It grows in boreal, tropical, and subtropical climates. It is widely used in Bonsai because of its versatility. Since it has characteristics of high plasticity, bonsai masters use the deadwood to style natural snowy scenery, using brown, white and green colors in the presentation. It is a very enjoyable and successful bonsai creation in IC Su’s Bonsai Collection. IC Su is the host and organizer of BCI’s 60th Year Anniversary Convention in Taiwan.